AnsPress 2.0 – It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?

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After installing latest commit and re-activating AnsPress plugin, I get no question details anymore when clicking on a question from the list.
The questions list is on base-page “questions”, but that page is set to the static front page.
A link in the list is for example http://localhost:8080/question-22/112 and when I click it, I am redirected to http://localhost:8080/question-22/112/112/ (notice the second /112 at the end).
The page that is opened says:

It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?

When I manually change the url to http://localhost:8080/questions/question-22/112 then I get the questions details. So I guess, the generation of the links should include the AnsPress questions base-page in the URL.
For now I changed line 1104 of anspress-masterincludesfunctions.php from ” $base = rtrim(get_permalink(ap_opt(‘base_page’)), ‘/’);” to ” $base = rtrim(_get_page_link(ap_opt(‘base_page’)), ‘/’);”

That fix didnt worked for me :/
Even if I change the url to /questions/… I get a 404 page :/

Rahul said in another thread to re-save the permalink settings of WordPress (general settings). I hope that helps for you.

I resaved it, but does not work (not for ask page and not for question details page…)

Hmm… well then we’ll have to wait on Rahul to look at this… I’m out of idea’s. Sorry.

Thank you for your motivation helping me 🙂