AnsPress 2.0 – Email notification

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When we ask a question on this site and someone answers, we get a notification email.
Is that part of AnsPress or do you use another plugin for that.


Yes its part of it, in older version it was add-on “Basic email” but now it is extension “AnsPress Notifications”. Working on this extension will release soon.

Will there be a possibility to hook in on the “AnsPress Notifications”? I mean, will there be events or the possibility to add a filter or ??? so we know there is sent an email?
I ask this because I would like to create an inbox where – among others – the messages sent by “AnsPress Notifications” are listed too.

All email will be logged to DB before sending, cause if there are 50+ participants then site will be slow when notifying. So will log notifcations in a DB before sending (also merge if there are multiple notifications). And I dont feel usefulness of showing email sent, instead we will list all notifications.

Ok, sounds good.
I hope to see something of that soon 😉

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