AnsPress 2.0 – Add icon class in user nav menu

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In anspress-master\includes\user.php the user-profile page is rendered and each tab in the menu is rendered by this code:

$o .= '<li'.( $user_page == $k ? ' class="active"' : '' ).'>
   <a href="'. $m['link'] .'" class="ap-user-menu-'.$k.$class.'">'.$m['title'].'</a>

This is near line 604 in
I would like a change in this rendering because the current implementation has issues when you add a custom tab and use a font-awesome icon as tab-icon. Since the icon class is applied to the anchor tag, the font of the link text is affected by the font-awesome style. So could you please change the tab rendering to something like this:

$o .= '<li'.( $user_page == $k ? ' class="active"' : '' ).'>
   <a href="'. $m['link'] .'" class="ap-user-menu-'.$k.'"><i class="'.$class.'"></i>'.$m['title'].'</a>

So I added a container for the icon.
Only remaining issue with this replacement code is that it does not add a space between the icon and the link text. Though that should be handled in CSS (I think) and I’m not an expert in that area, so I leave that to people with more experience πŸ™‚



I have added a better sorting function and will use it for ordering user menu.

 * Sort array by order value. Group array which have same order number and then sort them.
 * @param  array $array
 * @return array
 * @since 2.0.0-alpha2
function ap_sort_array_by_order($array){
	$new_array = array();
	if(!empty($array) && is_array($array) ){
		$group = array();
		foreach($array as $k => $a){
			$order = $a['order'];
			$group[$order][] = $a;
		usort($group, function($a, $b) {
            return key($a) - key($b);

        foreach($group as $a){
        	foreach($a as $newa)
				$new_array[] = $newa;

		return $new_array;

And how about the change in rendering the icon? Can you apply that too? Else using font-awesome icons isn’t that awesome ;-/

Yeh, I will add it, do not worry. πŸ™‚

>Yeh, I will add it, do not worry. πŸ™‚
hehe πŸ™‚ No, I saw the above answer about the sorting function was actually an answer to my other question (pull-request) and I thought you might have considered this question to be completed… well guess I can be confident now anyway πŸ™‚ Thanks for all the effort!

Please do not forget the styling as proposed in the question. Thanks

As I seen my code, its already accept class arguments, so you can easily filter and pass your icon class, like: [‘class’] = ‘icon-anspress’;. If you need a detailed instruction then let me know.

I know this is possible, but the issue is that – if you use a font-awesome class, the style is also applied to the title because the style is set on the a-tag. My proposal (see question) was to inject an i-tag inside the a-tag so the icon style only applies to the icon and not to the title. With your last commit, I still get bad styling on the tab I add because of the class applied in the way you described.

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