Ajax extremely slow (and no loader??)
Does anyone else have an issue with the Ajax loading taking an extremely long time to do any actions? Posting replies, new questions, etc. It takes a century. There is also not any sort of loading bar to let users know that anything is happening. How can I add a loader so people won’t double click because they think nothing is happening.
As replied by OP:
Ok, I figured it out! It was Akismet plugin for anti-spam. Having any kind of anti-spam plugin severely slows down the posting status of a answer or making a new question.
There is a loading spinner shown by AnsPress while sending ajax request, check if that is not working with your theme.
Ajax request on our site works fine, I think its due to your server please consult with your hosting company and let us know.

How many plugins are used in your site, please?
35 lol

Please try my answer in http://anspress.io/questions/question/writing-speed-slow-any-thoughts-as-to-why/
Good Luck
Ya, I tried the re-order plugin, but it didn’t work 🙁

No! Please try this https://wordpress.org/plugins/plugin-organizer/
Ok, I figured it out! It was Akismet plugin for anti-spam. Having any kind of anti-spam plugin severely slows down the posting status of a answer or making a new question.
Thanks for letting us know, this will help other.

Thanks @lucas_atkins
Hi, We have a managed dedicated server. How would this be caused by the server? Also, you’re right in that it might be a theme conflict… as I do not see a loader. Any suggestions? Thanks