About Page and user profile

Solved8.62K viewsIssues

About page in user profile doesn’t open or keep loading. Unable to add Cover photo to my profile as a site Admin.

also when I click to view the other users profile is doesn’t open.

Can you share a link ?

I think I’m missing something on line 48

Warning: Division by zero in /home/princefaqx/public_html/flyanswers.com/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/theme/default/user/about.php on line 48

Mr. Aryan will check the issue after he return.

Alright, Thank You @kumar


as a follow up i think that there might be another issue with received votes : i suggest to change the whole about block

<div class="ap-about-block">
				<h3><?php echo ap_icon('reputation', true); ?> <?php _e('Reputation', 'ap'); ?></h3>
				<div class="ap-about-block-c">		
					<div class="ap-about-rep clearfix">
						<div class="ap-pull-left">
							<span class="ap-about-rep-label"><?php _e('Total', 'ap'); ?></span>
							<span class="ap-about-rep-count"><?php ap_user_the_reputation(); ?></span>
						<div class="ap-about-rep-chart">
							<span data-action="ap_chart" data-type="bar" data-peity='{"fill" : ["#8fc77e"], "height": 45, "width": "100%"}'><?php echo ap_user_get_28_days_reputation(); ?></span>		
						<div class="ap-user-rep">
								if(ap_has_reputations(array('number' => 5))){
									while ( ap_reputations() ) : ap_the_reputation();

with this

<div class="ap-about-block">
				<h3><?php echo ap_icon('thumbs-up-down', true); ?> <?php _e('Votes', 'ap'); ?></h3>
				<div class="ap-about-block-c">		
					<div class="ap-about-votes row">
						<div class="col-md-6">
							<span class="ap-about-vote-label"><?php printf(__('%d votes received', 'ap'), ap_user_total_votes_received()); ?></span>

                            <span data-action="ap_chart" data-type="donut" data-peity='{ "fill": ["#9087FF", "#eeeeee"],   "innerRadius": 20, "radius": 25 }'><?php echo $upVoteReceivedPercent; ?>/100</span>
							<span class="ap-vote-count"><b><?php ap_user_the_meta('__up_vote_received'); ?></b><?php _e('up', 'ap'); ?></span>
							<span class="ap-vote-count"><b><?php ap_user_the_meta('__down_vote_received'); ?></b><?php _e('down', 'ap'); ?></span>	
						<div class="col-md-6">
							<span class="ap-about-vote-label"><?php printf(__('%d votes casted', 'ap'), ap_user_total_votes_casted()); ?></span>
                            <span data-action="ap_chart" data-type="donut" data-peity='{ "fill": ["#9087FF", "#eeeeee"],   "innerRadius": 20, "radius": 25 }'><?php echo $upVoteSentPercent; ?>/100</span>
							<span class="ap-vote-count"><b><?php ap_user_the_meta('__up_vote_casted'); ?></b><?php _e('up', 'ap'); ?></span>
							<span class="ap-vote-count"><b><?php ap_user_the_meta('__down_vote_casted'); ?></b><?php _e('down', 'ap'); ?></span>							

Thank you for letting us know. we will update it soon.

WOW, it works man @J



on /wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/theme/default/user/about.php  try to change the line 48 which is currently like this :

<span data-action="ap_chart" data-type="donut" data-peity='{ "fill": ["#9087FF", "#eeeeee"],   "innerRadius": 20, "radius": 25 }'><?php echo ceil((ap_user_get_the_meta('__up_vote_casted')/ap_user_total_votes_casted())*100); ?>/100</span>



<span data-action="ap_chart" data-type="donut" data-peity='{ "fill": ["#9087FF", "#eeeeee"],   "innerRadius": 20, "radius": 25 }'><?php echo $upVotePercent; ?>/100</span>