A Lot of Debug Errors/Notices/Warnings on new installation

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[23-Mar-2016 14:37:03 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/includes/functions.php on line 20
[23-Mar-2016 14:37:03 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/includes/functions.php on line 22


[23-Mar-2016 14:41:24 UTC] WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ” at line 1 for query UPDATE `wp_ap_activity` SET `status` = ‘publish’ WHERE  made by do_action(‘wp_ajax_ap_ajax’), AnsPress_Process_Form->ap_ajax, AnsPress_Process_Form->process_form, AnsPress_Process_Form->process_answer_form, wp_insert_post, wp_transition_post_status, do_action(‘transition_post_status’), AnsPress_Activity_Hook->change_activity_status, ap_update_activities

[23-Mar-2016 14:41:24 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry ‘0’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ for query INSERT INTO `wp_ap_subscribers` (`subs_user_id`, `subs_question_id`, `subs_item_id`, `subs_activity`) VALUES (3, 1287, 1288, ‘a_all’) made by do_action(‘wp_ajax_ap_ajax’), AnsPress_Process_Form->ap_ajax, AnsPress_Process_Form->process_form, AnsPress_Process_Form->process_answer_form, wp_insert_post, do_action(‘save_post’), AnsPress_Process_Form->action_on_new_post, do_action(‘ap_processed_new_answer’), AnsPress_Hooks->after_new_answer, do_action(‘ap_after_new_answer’), AnsPress_Subscriber_Hooks->after_new_answer, ap_new_subscriber

[23-Mar-2016 14:42:10 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate entry ‘0’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ for query INSERT INTO `wp_ap_subscribers` (`subs_user_id`, `subs_question_id`, `subs_item_id`, `subs_activity`) VALUES (3, 1287, 1287, ‘q_post’) made by do_action(‘wp_ajax_dim-comment’), wp_ajax_dim_comment, wp_set_comment_status, wp_transition_comment_status, do_action(‘comment_unapproved_to_approved’), AnsPress_Hooks->comment_approve, do_action(‘ap_publish_comment’), AnsPress_Subscriber_Hooks->after_new_comment, ap_new_subscriber


Not sure if the following comes from Anspress:

PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 2 in /home/valuema/includes/plugin.php on line 1573


selected answer

Will check this as well.

I have those everytime a new question or some other activity. What shall i do ? Continue or disable for a while the plugin ? Any dangers for the future ?

Please let me know. thanks


All those above seem to be fixed in the Anspress 3a1 i just installed and tested for a while.

commented on answer

Yep, most of them. Remaining issue will be fixed soon.


Ok, i was able to fix the “WordPress database error Duplicate entry ‘0’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ for query INSERT INTO `wp_ap_subscribers`” errors, by MANUALLY removing some wp_ap_subscribers tables, and do again a clean Anspress install. Apparently the fix is in the update BUT the old created table entries were also there.

I must say that was hard to find and most of the Anspress users will not do it.

So the only error i see now is:


WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ” at line 1 for query UPDATE `wp_ap_activity` SET `status` = ‘publish’ WHERE  made by do_action(‘wp_ajax_ap_ajax’), AnsPress_Process_Form->ap_ajax, AnsPress_Process_Form->process_form, AnsPress_Process_Form->process_answer_form, wp_insert_post, wp_transition_post_status, do_action(‘transition_post_status’), AnsPress_Activity_Hook->change_activity_status, ap_update_activities

and i have no idea how i can fix that.

commented on answer

Hello @Cagliostro found the issue. Thanks for reporting. You can try our new 3.0.0-alpha1

Hello. I could try it if you provide me a link for it.

Master branch is used for development, always.

In the meantime, what file is changed for the stable version ?

What is the point of moving to a new version if the previous version(s) have long standing unresolved major problems ?

Why can’t we have a stable working version ? I don’t get it, sorry. At some point everybody will be tired of this and abandon Anspress.

What is the link to 3.0.0-alpha1 Rahul? … is there any change log so we know what is new to test? Thanks

Lots of major changes will happen in AnsPress 3.0. We are working on roadmap. Master branch in github is always used for development.


And more:

WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ” at line 1 for query UPDATE `wp_ap_activity` SET `status` = ‘trash’ WHERE  made by do_action(‘wp_ajax_ap_ajax’), AnsPress_Process_Form->ap_ajax, do_action(‘ap_ajax_permanent_delete_post’), AnsPress_Ajax->permanent_delete_post, wp_trash_post, do_action(‘wp_trash_post’), AnsPress_Hooks->trash_post_action, wp_trash_post, wp_insert_post, wp_transition_post_status, do_action(‘transition_post_status’), AnsPress_Activity_Hook->change_activity_status, ap_update_activities


PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/includes/hooks.php on line 193

PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/includes/hooks.php on line 194

commented on answer

Same results even after i update with the Commits on Apr 1, 2016

Which branch you are trying? master or 2.4.7? In master we have fixed many warnings and notice. Do not use master branch for development site (its for version 3.0.0)

I’m not sure what you are telling me. Are you saying that those are fixed or not ? Because even in official version at WordPress com 2.4.8 they don’t seem to be fixed.

Also Rahul said “Will check this as well.” and then nothing.

Those are not warnings and notices but SQL errors.