2.4 Update Avatar and Cover Photo Upload Problem

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As you all now that insiders can upload cover photo and avatar photo in their profile. And there is permission fields for “Anspress participants” into “Tools” section of Anspress option. As you can see in below pic.

The problem is: For example, insider X also has a permission to change other insiders cover photo and avatar photo. This must not allowed any user to change others image options.

To block that option I have unselect those ap_upload_cover and ap_upload_avatar. However with that adjustment, insider X can not change his/her own cover photo or avatar photo

Do you have any idea to fix that problem?


Your question is not clear to me.


For example: Lets assume that we have user X and user Y. They have both their profile in web page and also avatar and cover photo. The problem is when user X log in to web page, he also has a premission to change user Y avatar and cover photo. This cant be do by him. He must only allowed to change his own avatar and cover photo not others. I hope you understand.


Oh, I see the issue.

Upload button is visible in other s profile but still they cannot set image for other user. I am fixing this now.

Thank you Rahul. I am waiting your news.

It fixed thank you.

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