How to change anspress banner image on user profile page?
I am pretty new to anspress. I notice that there is a default image banner on user profile page, and I have looked around frontend and backend, I have no clue where I can replace with my desired image, can you please help, thanks? I also have a problem with the latest version, all my side widgets appears at below of anspress content instead of right-hand or left-hand side after I upgraded to the version 1.4.
Hello kwellafrica,
Sidebar issue has been fixed. download it from here:
for replacing default cover image simply replace or edit this image
anspress-question-answer/theme/default/images/default_cover.jpg anspress-question-answer/theme/default/images/default_cover_s.jpg
You can override this files from your theme, simply create an anspress folder in your active theme (not child theme). and create images folder inside that anspress folder and then copy this two images and now edit them

overwright it in plugin files
i thnk in future realses there will be an uplaod image i hope
secound part :
github vergion fix this issue

Thanks for your speedy reply and support and look forward to your forthcoming release with new add-on features.
Thanks!…so I just need to create new banner images and replace the default_cover image and default_cover_s if I understood you correctly?