Loop in Category X page


Hello, I have a problem with category page.
I’m developing my website in local (with XAMPP and WP) and I add a Categories page with all categories and its questions for everyone of them.
When I click on a category X I redirect to category page but with a loop inside it and an error like “fatal error maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in \wp-includes\class-wpdb.php at line 2349” at the end.
Before I have this problem I need to repair “db” table in XAMPP via PHPMyAdmin because it’s corrupted and XAMPP does not “login” to MySQL.
I increment every file max execution time value (.htaccess, wp-config.php and my.ini) but problem still remain.
Moreover before questions list in category page is displayed an error message like “There seems to be nothing to display”, as if it didn’t find any questions related to the category…but question is displayed just below, in an infinite loop.
I have already deactivated all other plugins except AnsPress but problem still remain.
Which could be the problem?
Thanks to everyone can help me 😉

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