9590 Comments ??? WOW

Solved6.85K viewsWordPress

Hello I have a little problem, the “number” comment on my website
same problem is also seen on anspress.io profile pages where I have several thousand comments claiming it .. it may be the new update ??

Se example at familiechat.dk forum

or image

If you look at you’r own profil at anspress.io it also write wrong !!

selected answer

Seems like a bug (small) to me.

Yes look like a bug to me. This will be fixed. Thanks for reporting.


This issue was solved.

commented on answer

Hi that mean that in next update the issue want bee there, because its still in this site : https://anspress.io/user/Tom_Nielsen/about/

Its pushed to development version. Our site is still using old version.

Perfekt TY Rahul Aryan


I think the code is : %d comment

maby the %d make a problem in new version ?


same issue here.