How can i change a categories urls?

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How can i change a categories urls?
now it is questions/categories
i want to change it
is it possible?

Answered question

Yes, it is possible. See the steps below:

  1. From the Admin Dashboard, select AnsPress -> Options. This will take you to AnsPress Options Page.
  2. Hit ‘Edit Page’ under Pages/’Categories page’ item.
  3. Now on the right side panel, you will see the Permalink option. Change the URL text from ‘categories’ to your custom text, and hit Update.
  4. Hit Preview, and you will see the URL for the page changed to your custom text.

Let me know if you encounter issues or need additional clarification.

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Thank you so much, but i interested about questions category page
for example questions/categories/dogs or questions/categories/cats
but if i do yours recommendation, it is not working for question category page

The steps I gave should work to customize the URL for the categories page. If you want to do further customization of the individual categories, then you need to change the ‘slug’ for each of the categories. Hope this helps.

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