Allow Author role to moderate?

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I want the Author role to moderate questions, answers and comments.
I provided Moderator Capabilities to the Author role (AnsPress > Options > User Access Control > Role Editor > Select user role = Author then checked the Moderator Capabilities checkbox (which checked all the checkboxes within).
When in Admin while logged in as an Author, I do not see the AnsPress menu in left sidebar so I can’t moderate.
According to the answer’s 2nd comment a moderator can edit (which I am assuming includes moderate) a post in frontend directly but I don’t see how to do this.  I also tried to edit a post on the frontend while logged in as Admin but didn’t see how to do it either.
How can I allow Authors to moderate questions, answers and comments?

Answered question

It looks like you gave the Author job Moderator Capabilities in AnsPress by checking the right box, which also made all the freedoms that go with it available papa’s pizzeria. By doing this, writers are given more rights, probably the ability to control material, keep an eye on talks, and limit user activity.

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