AnsPress 4.1.20

We have just released the next update for AnsPress, version 4.1.20.

In this update you will find the following fixes and improvements:

* Fixed: wrong date time in get_adjacent_post query
* Fixed: Uncaught Error Call to a member function has_cap() on bool
* Fixed: Tags not being saved from frontend form
* Warning: Creating default object from empty value in wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/includes/functions.php on line 2461 Fixes #550
* Disable cache for function ap_get_post
* Improved question filters UI
* Added condition for existence of index (#548)

The contributor list system is back online and you can see the details of the commits below.

We would like to send a big thank you to all of our contributors donating their time to this project, and the users leaving feedback on Github and in our community. We are very grateful for your help in making AnsPress the best it can be.

AnsPress 4.1.19

We are excited to announce a new update to AnsPress, as well as some news about the future of this plugin.

First, we have just released AnsPress version 4.1.19, which includes these changes:

  • Automated post status no longer added when ap_current_user_ignore is set.
  • Margin and padding class conflicts with tailwind resolved.
  • Now prevents processing tags field when saving from wp-admin.
  • Fixed query hook preventing preventing filtering questions in wp-admin.
  • Updated the donation link in readme.txt
  • Fixed translation not working for ap_human_time.
  • Moved json parsing to try catch block.
  • “Add” in tags field translatable is now translatable.
  • Removed aggressive query caching in favour of 3rd party caching.

Second, we are happy to announce that AnsPress has received increased resources to bolster its development. Work on the plugin and the associated AskBug WP theme has resumed. What this means is that we will be implementing a regular update schedule for AnsPress and the associated AskBug theme. We have also re-opened our community and requests for custom AnsPress work. Please drop by the AnsPress Community to leave feedback, interact with other members, and lend a helping hand. When considering what updates we are making next, we will be listening to community feedback.

To be clear, the base AnsPress plugin will always be Open Source and available to those who want it, and that is not going to change.

Work will also continue on the AskBug theme, and we have re-opened the purchases and updates of licenses of the theme for anyone interested. If you run into any issues there, please email us at support “at” Our first major update to the theme should be incoming within the month, and focuses on increasing the customization options and quality of life fixes.

Please note our system for publishing the contributions and our changelog was not working since so the below info includes information from to now. We greatly appreciate everyone who has contributed to the project and we hope to see more in the future.

After going through almost a year’s worth of questions and requests, we are touched that AnsPress has such dedicated users and we are looking forward to continuing to improve AnsPress for all of you.


AnsPress 4.1.13

  1. Show unpublished questions of user’s separately
  2. Do not include session posts to question query
  3. Fix: including session posts in query creating lots of issue
  4. Allow html in single-category.php Description. Author: Brad Griffin
  5. Category is not selected in ask form when category parameter is passed
  6. New feature: Create account for user
  7. Removed some deprecated methods and functions
  8. Fixed: class ‘AnsPress_Post_Table_Hooks’ does not have a method ‘filter_comments_query’
  9. Send post_title to akismet
  10. Fixed pagination issue when in main user page. Fixes #486
  11. Check post updated before delete images
  12. Fixed conflict in `human_time_diff`
  13. Minor fixes by Author YOONBYEONGIN 
  14. AP_Activate would be invalid without activate.php Author: awijasa
  15. Improved modal
  16. Allow excluding session posts

AskBug 3.1.8

Fixed users query to properly order by reputation

AnsPress 4.1.12

Bug fixes and UI improvents.

AskBug 3.1.7

Fixed missing notification and user icon

AnsPress 4.1.11

Added a new addon to validate question and answer using Akismet API. This addon will prevent spam post submission from frontend. Fixed some bug related to JS and PHP.

AskBug 3.1.6

Minor bug fixes and AnsPress 4.1.8 compatibility.

AnsPress 4.1.8

This version contains many bug fixes, we also addressed some bugs which were pending since long time. Major improvements made in upload fields and image attachment in editor field. An issue with recount tool in which recount get stuck in 50, has been fixed as well. Many issues related to comments are fixed as well.

I want to thanks Siamion Gavrilenko, Alex and all other contributors for testing and reporting.

AskBug 3.1.5

Fixed minor bugs