AnsPress 4.1.1

Fixed bugs which appeared in the previous version of AnsPress. Make sure to flush minify or JS cache after updating to this version.

AskBug 3.1.0

This update contains AnsPress 4.1.0 compatibility. Fixed some minor bugs while using with latest version of AnsPress.

AnsPress 4.1.0

We are very pleased to announce that AnsPress 4.1.0 has been released. We were working on this release for almost two months. Lots of bug fixes and improvements done. Rather than adding a new feature, we focused on improving the old functionality. Few major changes made to the core are are listed below.

AnsPress 4.1.0-beta.1

Release notes and changelog will be available in our site.

AskBug 3.0.12

Fixed issues with update while child theme is active.

AskBug 3.0.11

Few minor fixes done in notification dropdown.

AskBug 3.0.10

Releasing new version with some minor fixes in customizer. Updated some config and docs to make it work with new doc parser in our site

AnsPress 4.0.6

Releasing a new version after a laps of almost 2 months. In this release we have fixed lots of code comments to improve our documentation. We were working on an automated PHPDoc parser. This will reduce many manual tasks and keep our documentation updated.

Improved upgrade script. Now upgrade AnsPress 3.x data to 4.x using WP_CLI command. Try wp cli anspress upgrade command for smoothly upgrading AnsPress without loosing any previous version data. This is the beginning of WP_CLI integration and more commands will added in near future.