130 Reputation


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TinyMCE not loading/showing for answer form

you probably have some brooken javascript, try to disable other plugins an see what is causing this.

April 15, 20195
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How to find a language file?

The files are properly translated, we are waiting to Rahul to push the development version cause currently there are some strings that can not be translated due to recent changes on the code, translations...

April 8, 20195
Commented on a post

It's working for me, check for other plugins using forms or tinymce (wysiywg) it has to be some .js conflict

April 8, 20192
Asked a question
Bugs detected on 4.1.1

There is still some minor stuff to fix on this version: Translation issues on Ask form, before it was all translated now it looks some strings are out of possible translation Same translation issues...

November 9, 20172
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Spanish translations: Become editor

Up! we need to have spanish translations.

July 22, 20175
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Anspress 3.0.4 – More Actions

It is working for my. I belive you have a broken javascript somewhere unrelated with anspress. Check it.

July 22, 20175
Asked a question
Spanish translations: Become editor

I'm a native spanish speaker, and there are some untranslated terms on anspress plugin and extensions, on the main plugin there is already an editor, but not so active so I'll like to request to become...

July 22, 20172
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July 22, 201710
Asked a question
July 22, 20172
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July 22, 201710
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Mod: Login/Register on User and Menu Widget

I missed a Login/Register option displaying on that widget when user is not logged in, much better than just a phrase: ' Login to see your profile links'. To do it, as easy as copy that code to user.php,...

July 22, 201710
Asked a question
July 22, 20172
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July 22, 20175
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How to force title tag (H1) in quiestion - Better SEO

If I'm understanding you well, go to Anspress Options Pages. Read an you'll find the option, just check it and h1 with the tittle will appear in each question page.

July 22, 201710
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July 22, 20175
Posted an answer
July 22, 20175
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I don't want to request ReCaptcha for logged in users

ask-form.php change line 102 for if ( ap_show_captcha_to_user() && !is_user_logged_in()) { same on: answer-form.php change line 87 for if ( ap_show_captcha_to_user() && !is_user_logged_in())...

July 22, 201710
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How do I remove "User Updates"

Thats on the theme file: /wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/theme/default/css/main.css

July 22, 201710
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Default category on New Question by slug

I'm using Categories extension, and I think that when you Ask a new question being inside some category, the ask question form should have by default that category selected. It could be just something...

July 22, 201710
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login link in on Login/Signup which show up below the question.

Use the code tags when inserting code, if not it’s a pain and make baby jesus cry. Search for find this string, and change it for your links ‘.wp_login_url(get_permalink()).'   –>...

July 22, 20175
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