Wayan Cahyono
31 Reputation


Posted an answer

Hi, We wanted to order this theme https://anspress.io/themes/ But it the checkout button doesn't works at all.

August 21, 20195
Posted an answer
Recaptcha Issue

Yes, it's working now. I just updated but i see another bug. I will post it once sure that it's not from my hosting configuration side.

July 22, 20175
Asked a question
[bugs] not auto redirect after post new question or answer (keep loading)

Hello, I can see that captcha is working at the moment. But, i can see another bug which is user still see loading page instead of redirected to the correct page after posting new question or answer new...

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
(bugs) Paging question doesn't works

I have just tried to update latest Version 4.0.0-beta  and see that the pagination is not working. It's redirected to regular wordpress post instead of anspress question. See at: https://www.wordpress.id/?ap_paged=2...

July 22, 20172
Posted an answer
(bugs) Paging question doesn’t works

Which wordpress version that You're using at the moment? I have latest one version (4.7.1) My default pagination is still ap_paged=2 . How can make it like Your ( / questions / page / 2 / ) ? I think...

July 22, 20175
Commented on a post

Hem..okay. And are You using php 7 as well? really no idea why it's happen in my website as it was working in 3.x.x version. I am using nginx and php 7. Will try to decrease php version. Or do You have...

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Are You put Your Anspress in static front page? I found the issue is when Anspress in static main front page . See: http://prntscr.com/dyi32a In this case, anspress pagination will be in this format...

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Okay. Waiting for the update then. As i remember, "?ap_paged=2" is old version anspress pagination.

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Do You have any update regarding this?

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
Recaptcha Issue

I see that anspress latest version has captcha issue: Once it's enabled from Anspress --> Add-ons section, it always show Bot verification failed. I am sure that captcha was correct by checked in I'm...

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

No. There no captcha key typo. I see that You just push about captcha in github. Is it related this issue?

July 22, 20172
July 22, 20170