2 Reputation


Asked a question
[Site Bug] Google and Facebook login buttons have been broken for months

This is unrelated to the AnsPress plugin, but to this website. The Google and Facebook social login buttons have been broken for months, and it looks very unprofessional. My guess is that the main developer...

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

I'll make sure to post my site when it's completed.

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
Developing with 3a2

I plan on using AnsPress for my latest website, but I need to make some modifications to make it fit my wishes. I'm wondering if 3a2 is stable enough to develop with, or if I should wait for 3 beta, or...

July 22, 20172
Received an upvote
July 22, 201710
Posted an answer
Is there any places for Ads?

You could probably add them in yourself, but it will require some basic code editing. Go to your /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/theme/default/ folder and find the relevant theme...

July 22, 20175
Commented on a post

This is a really good feature. Maybe have it without the checkbox by default (just like stackoverflow, really). Hope this gets added!

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Go to WP-Admin and then AnsPress -> Options -> General Then for the Base Page dropdown menu select Forums (the page you made) Hope that helps 🙂

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

In Wordpress Admin Panel go to Settings -> General and check "Anyone can register"

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Same issue here! Also just updated to the latest master version from GitHub.

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Hey, I would like to know how you did this as well. Looks great!

July 22, 20172
Received an upvote
July 22, 201710
Commented on a post

Support! It's location is fine if there aren't any comments on a question/answer yet, but when you want to reply to an already ongoing discussion it feels very unintuitive to have the comment button above...

July 22, 20172
Posted an answer
list of questions on the main page (wordpress)

You cannot use regular shortcodes in .php files. You will have to call them like so: <?php do_shortcode('[anspress]'); ?> Hope this works for you 🙂

July 22, 20175
Commented on a post

Thank you, will definitely donate for this great plugin!

July 22, 20172
Received an upvote
July 22, 201710
Asked a question
[Suggestion] Rename Extentions to

Right now the AnsPress plugin displays at the top of my plugin list in WordPress, and the extentions are just spread out randomly because they don’t start with “AnsPress”. There is no consistency...

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

@Rahul Please make this a top priority, right now AnsPress is loading 10 JavaScript files and 6 CSS files on EVERY WordPress page, even the pages that don't use AnsPress at all.

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Would this query be passable in the page instead of in the URL?

July 22, 20172
Received an upvote
July 22, 201710
Asked a question
Disable AnsPress loading on all pages

I have noticed that AnsPress loads all of it’s contents on every WordPress page, even if it doesn’t need to. This includes a bunch of js and css files that might never be used. This is very bad for...

July 22, 20172
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