Imran Chaudry (Buyer)
50 Reputation


Asked a question
Uber Recaptcha issue with login dropdown

Hi Rahul, Just wanted to flag a compatibility issue with AskBug theme and the "Uber recaptcha" plugin. Once enabled the recaptcha box appears on the /login/ page, but not showing up in the dropdown menu...

June 5, 20182
Commented on a post

Hi Rahul, I'm sorry, but this doesnt help me a bit. Can you please write a step-by-step guide for me? How do I create a new custom post type? Would be great if you could show me an example

May 21, 20182
Asked a question
No support for Askbug? We've purchased the theme for a reason

Hi Rahul, I sincerely regret that none of my support issues receive any updates or comments. Its starting to feel like the theme and the plugins is getting abandoned. The last update on github was 17...

March 22, 20182
Asked a question
Top users widget takes 256 seconds to load

Hi Rahul,   I really need your help here. After importing 6000+ users and 2000+ posts the top users widget really slows the site down. The issue only happens if the db cache expires. Attaching...

March 19, 20182
Commented on a post

While it help to keep the ajax calls alive, it did not fix my issues. Reputations still at the same level as before.

March 15, 20182
Posted an answer
WP table prefix

Hi Rahul, Have you had a chance to look at this issue?

February 20, 20185
Posted an answer
WP table prefix

I also get these notices for the admin page in wordpress   Notice: screen_icon is deprecated since version 3.8.0 with no alternative available. in /home/{theme}/answers/wp-includes/functions.php...

February 19, 20185
Posted an answer
WP table prefix

Hi Rahul, When I go to the profile page of any user and click on the about link, here is what I get https://{domain}/questions/profile/{username}/about/ I am running version 4.1.7

February 19, 20185
Asked a question
WP table prefix

Hi Rahul, I just ran into an issue. For each wordpress site I install I change the table prefix for security reasons. On this install the prefix changed from wp_ to answers_ Now I am having issues on...

February 18, 20182
Asked a question
Getting {Re}started

Hi Rahul, We've purchased your plugin last year, but got stuck with development due to other activities. Now we'd like to launch the site, but it might be worth starting from scratch. I'd like to ask...

February 8, 20182
Posted an answer
Imported users – top users php hangs the site

Thanks Rahul, Checking the query I managed to find the line of code where the site stops /public_html/answers/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/addons/free/ avatar.php, line 234 $this->name...

August 16, 20175
Asked a question
Imported users - top users php hangs the site

Hi, First of all the plugin and the askbug theme is brilliant! I'm experiencing an issue with the top users widget. We've imported 6k+ users from another forum as we are trying to migrate to askbug....

August 14, 20172
July 22, 20170
Posted an answer
Entire site blank when logged out

Found the bug, the plugin isnt compatible with the "Hide My Site" plugin

July 22, 20175
Commented on a post

I can reach the /login/ page, but nothing else: /questions/ /answers/ /tags/, nothing

July 22, 20172
Posted an answer
Entire site blank when logged out

I can reach the /login/ page, but nothing else: /questions/ /answers/ /tags/, nothing

July 22, 20175
Asked a question
Entire site blank when logged out

Hi, I have a problem with a fresh install of AnsPress. Blank wordpress, just installed AnsPress, the AskBug theme and all of its requirements. Everythign works fine when logged in, but in another browser...

July 22, 20172
July 22, 20170