Matt Small
70 Reputation


Asked a question
Uncaught TypeError: b.selectize is not a function

There is an issue when submitting a question ( The following is displayed in console. [apcode language="php"] common.js:846 Uncaught TypeError:...

October 16, 20192
Asked a question
Why remove category and tag function in 4.1.8?

Hey! I am using the category ID option from the widget to display recent questions from specific categories on this page: - but I noticed in 4.1.8 you've removed...

May 4, 20182
Commented on a post

Thank you Rahul.

April 17, 20182
Commented on a post

Hey Rahul, Thanks for updating this...I actually save the video file to youtube and then use callback to grab youtube URL - so all I needed was to update custom field with URL and then display using oEmbed...

March 28, 20182
Posted an answer
custom field not saving

I've gotten the custom field to save and update custom meta field. I update custom field with URL using call back from video recorder (clipchamp). Here is my final code: function embed_video_field( $form...

March 27, 20185
Received an upvote
March 27, 201810
Commented on a post

you can see this in working example here - user is able to record video and upload, we retrieve video URL after submission and populate custom "embed_video" field - but I still cannot save this value in...

March 26, 20182
Asked a question
custom field not saving

I have register custom field for single-question.php template, "embed_video" and am trying to pass custom field from AnsPress ask form to this field. function embed_video_field( $form ) {function embed_video_field(...

March 26, 20182
Commented on a post

I have deactivated all plugins and activated Wordpress Twenty Seventeen - this issue seems to related to the plugin files.

March 19, 20182
Asked a question
Assigning vote count issue

I manually up voted specific question and discovered that you cannot down vote a question while in Wordpress edit screen. Both "+" and "-" buttons will only up vote. The down vote does work however...

March 19, 20182
Received an upvote
March 9, 201810
Answer was selected as best
March 1, 201810
Posted an answer
Display snackbar on custom page

I removed the voting option from the extended "widget-questions.php", referenced in my question. But there is still an issue when logged out users can read comments and questions, but are unable to post. ...

March 1, 20185
Commented on a post

Any direction to where I can edit the #ap-snackbar would be appreciated...

February 28, 20182
Asked a question
Display snackbar on custom page

Hey - I've extended the plugin some to include more content of any give question thru the widgets, and specifically the vote buttons. But I cant seem to get the snackbar to display messages when user interacts...

February 22, 20182
how to stick a question

Hi, Rahul, I want to stick some announcement in the question lists, just like you did. how to finish this. did you use any plug-in? thanks a lot.

February 13, 201810