JSousa (Buyer)
2 Reputation


Commented on a post

This happen also to me. It is important that user get notified that their questions has been answered

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Me too!!

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
Menu does not display correctly when shrinking the window

In the Askbug Theme, when shrinking the window, the menu does not hold, in a nice way. You can try in Askbug theme shriking the window. The image attached show how I propuse to work also how is working...

July 22, 20172
Received an upvote
July 22, 201710
Received an upvote
July 22, 201710
Received an upvote
Configuring reputation points

In AnsPress when configuring the reputation options, you can change points per event and change events that where points are awarded. where could I find the list of event available for reputation? What...

July 22, 201710
Received an upvote
July 22, 201710
Commented on a post

please keep us updated on this. 🙂

July 22, 20172
Posted an answer
SSL https

You need to upload the image again, so they get https://... address

July 22, 20175
Commented on a post

Your search does not work!

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Hello @Terence, your last added suggestion to upload the icon as an image in the image field. But I have done that already. The thing is, I want to use icons but I want my own no they ones than come with...

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Hello @Terence, I know how to create categories and where and how to add and image or icon in a category. My question is to do with, How and where to add new "cotegory icons"? I want to add my own custom...

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Hello @Terence, I do know where to add an icon to a category. What I need to know it where and how to add my own icons designs to anspress, so they are available to be assigned to a category.

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

what version do you have installed of AskBug? I have version 1.8 and I do not have the problem you are describing.

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Hi Chris, You are wright. If I shrink the width of the screen I found the problem you have reported.

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
Problem translating several words in AskBug theme and addons of Anspress

There are a few words although translated to Spanish as the rest of words in me AskBug and addons for Anspress, do not show translated. They are translated in the .po file but not show as translated....

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Hi terence, I do appreciate your help, but I still have the same problem, as I need the solution por AnsPress /AskBug

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Hello @Rahul, I have tried hard to find a way around this issue but I do not know how to achieve it. Where and how can I add my own custom ap-category-icon? So they are available to be assigned to my anspress...

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
Display issue on mobile screen in Theme AskBug when loged out

There is a display issue on mobile screen in Theme AskBug when loged out. The space for the links to Register & Log in is not to short and they go over the logo. It also happens in the AskBug Demo...

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

It has been resolved in version 1.8

July 22, 20172
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