Jeff_Brown (Buyer)
30 Reputation


Asked a question
Add-on Toggles Don't Save in AnsPress Settings

The toggles flip green but when I click Save they reset to disabled. Email and Reputation are the only ones that stay enabled after saving.

October 9, 20172
Posted an answer
Unable to toggle add-ons to on

No, I'm using Pressable.

July 22, 20175
Asked a question
Unable to toggle add-ons to on

I'm running AskBug 3.04 and AnsPress 4.04 and I'm unable to toggle any setting to on state — the page refreshes and the toggle is reset to off.

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

So is AskBug updated to work with this or are you suggesting we use a default theme instead?

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
What is the latest version of AskBug?

I see "No Upgrades Available" in my Dashboard. Has it been updated recently?

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
Prevent wp_ap_cache_users from running on Multisite sub-site where AnsPress is deactivated

I've been importing users to my main BuddyPress site on which the AnsPress plugin is not active (AnsPress is active on a different sub-site in the Network). But in monitoring MySQL using SHOW PROCESSLIST;...

July 22, 20172
Posted an answer
Prevent wp_ap_cache_users from running on Multisite sub-site where AnsPress is deactivated

So it turns out this wasn't a query caused by AnsPress at all—it's from WPMUDEV's Snapshots Pro—my backup plugin. I assumed the _ap_ in the process name was AnsPress. Sorry!

July 22, 20175
Posted an answer
AnsPress 4.0 is about to release!!

Is AskBug compatible with it?

July 22, 20175
Posted an answer
Insert/Edit link just underlines the link but missing the dialog to edit it.

So it's been a month since your last post and this is still broken for us. When should we expect an update to address the broken link button?

July 22, 20175