Siamion Gavrilenko
567 Reputation


Posted an answer
Posting answer is difficult

please share link to your website to test. on my demo website and production website i have no difficults, so maybe something you have conflicts with another plugins or theme

June 18, 20245
Posted an answer
disable the reputation feature?

yes. just deactivate reputation module in anspress options /wp-admin/admin.php?page=anspress_options&active_tab=features#features-toggle_features

June 18, 20245
Posted an answer
notification for all uses don’t work

please use "WP Mail SMTP" or similar plugin for sending email.

June 18, 20245
Posted an answer
I get blank pages when using my custom template

your template must contain [apcode language="php"] <?php if ( have_posts() ) while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <?php the_content(); ?> <?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?> [/apcode]...

June 18, 20245
Asked a question
How to run my function after new question was posted?

I want to run custom function after new question was posted. i found action ap_after_new_question but i dont know how to add my function. please share small example. THX

May 13, 20232
Posted an answer
empty link

it looks like your theme or one of the plugins is preventing plugin styles from loading. Try disabling all plugins and changing the theme to the standard one, then gradually enable the plugins and check...

May 13, 20235
Posted an answer
Only the user who created the question can answer.

There is no such option in the plugin. but I can make it for you by changing the plugin code

May 13, 20235
Posted an answer
Can user have the option to choose to post anonymously?

The plugin has an option to allow anonymous users to ask questions, answer questions and comment without registration

May 13, 20235
Posted an answer
Can’t comment as non-registered

Change "who can post comment" to everyone

May 13, 20235
Posted an answer
I need to hide the qustion update status. What should I do to solve this problem?

I don't know the correct way, but it is possible to change the plugin file /wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/includes/class-theme.php replace the line 340 echo '<div class="ap-post-updated"><i...

May 13, 20235
Asked a question
how update dateModified when post comment

How can i update question Modified date when user post comment to answer?

September 19, 20192
Asked a question
Update question modifi date

Sometimes when you post a comment on an answer, the question modifi date is not changed. Because of this, the question does not rise up the list. How can this be fixed? In which function or hook can I...

September 13, 20192
Asked a question
Error while editing the answer

How to reproduce the error in settings disable multiple_answers create a user with a role contributor answer a question on behalf of this user and try to edit the answer. I tested on a new site,...

December 4, 20182
Received a down vote
OneSignal push notification is ready.

Good afternoon! This functionality will be implemented as a separate add-on?

November 3, 2018-2
Posted an answer
User can not edit the answer

the same error was here

October 7, 20185
Posted an answer
What capability should be set to update edited answers?

@robopii @admin Did you manage to fix this error?

October 7, 20185
Received an upvote
User can not edit the answer

Good afternoon! The user can not edit the answer, the error is "Trying to cheat?!"

August 25, 201810
Answer was selected as best
June 7, 201810
Received an upvote
June 7, 201810
Posted an answer
About Languages

it moved to

June 7, 20185
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