0 Reputation


Commented on a post

I've been struggling with this problem as well! I really hope that they could fix this issue. :-/

July 22, 20172
Posted an answer
allowing the anonymous user to comment on questions and answers

Why anonymous users can't comment answer or questions? I mean, pressing the "Comment" button and then leave a reply? Anonymous users can post new question and answers but can't comment the content!

July 22, 20175
Asked a question
July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Thank you Rahul 🙂 I was thinking if it's possible that I could send the full Finnish translation of this plugin to you! I'm from Finland and I can see that there isn't Finnish po/mo -file already yet....

July 22, 20172
Posted an answer
July 22, 20175
Received an upvote
July 22, 201710
Received an upvote
Translations missing, usernames are gone V. 4.0.3

Great work, "Comments" is now translated to finnish. 🙂 There is still one string missing. In question message "Posted" is translated to finnish but in the answers, it's still in english. By the way,...

July 22, 201710
Received an upvote
Translations missing, usernames are gone V. 4.0.3

Hey Rahul! Thank you for awesome version update. The latest version fixed some old issues but created a few problems for my Q&A forum section. So.. 1) At least two translation strings are missing....

July 22, 201710
Commented on a post

Hi! Yes "Posted" is translated to finnish only in question.php but now I got it working as well for the answers by editing answer.php file and writing that "Posted" string straight to finnish on it....

July 22, 20172
July 22, 20170
Posted an answer
July 22, 20175
Received an upvote
Redirect after post a question

I have the same problem! There is one older topic about this issue but the potential fix is a bit complicated for me to understand.

July 22, 201710
Commented on a post

Rahul you saved my day!! Awesome! Thank you 🙂

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Wait for sunday!!

July 22, 20172