Hello Friends,

I am bit excited and happy about the notification system of AnsPress. Most awaited feature and important feature for AnsPress sites. This feature is added to AnsPress core. One can easily add notification dropdown to any menu, simply add User notification from AnsPress pages and all done. After doing some testing I will push code to GitHub.

We really need financial support, consider a small donation.

Enough bluffing :D, here is the screenshot:

Hi, first thank you so much for this great project. We love it.

I just installed AnaPress & I’ve two questions, one for me and one for my friend.

First, which theme or how to make it appear as we see it on anapress.io home page showcase.

Second, how can I change phrases and terms like changing “ask question” to “ask” or to “submit question”?

Also, there are other questions as I discovered it while being with friends, but I just preferred to start with the most important from my view.


Thanks again 🙂


On the question pages I want to know how do I edit the [How To Answer] Tab… Here’s a picture of it.

Is there a way to  create a link or page,when clicked  it’ll take the user to his anspress profile/dashboard. (Instead of visiting the global user directory and visit own profile.)


Thanks in advance.


I have users like the wp administrator configured with a avatar image. When I upload an image Anspress does not show it. It only shows it for users with a gravatar image that is registered with wordpress.com.

Please explain.

Hi Rahul,

I added ANSPRESS_TITLE to the title area of the base page as specified but it is not picking up the individual page titles in the browser tabs.

Here is an example – [PRIVATE LINK] (you can see it is showing ANSPRESS_TITLE in the browser tab)

How to fix this?


I want to give some users badges (e.g. administrator, support team etc)

Two ways to do that would be great:

  1. Give them to a user directly
  2. Give them to a user group

I want to replace the comment functions for posts (also custom post types) with anspress questions.

Instead of commenting to a post, the user should see a “Ask a question about this post”.

When he clicks on this button he will get to the question ask form. Then all questions according to this post should be shown below it (list style like anspress front page).

Technically it can be done like this:

The post-question linking thing is handled via tags. So every post gots a own tag (may the slug of the post like “how-to-update” for the “How to Update” post)

When the user clicks on the “Ask a question about this post” link under the “How to update” post, the tag “how-to-update” is prefilled. so the question is linked correctly to the post. (may via url like site.com/questions/ask?post=how-to-update)

Then the system shows all question with tag “how-to-update” below the “How to update” post.

I hope you understood 😛

It should also handle custom post types, so not only default post type. May the best would be to create a plugin for that.

Sometimes user post private answers/questions but forget to set it to private. So a “set to private” button in the dropdown next to “edit”, ” set as featured”… would be good