Currently, I have a BuddyPress compatible theme. The profile page contains all the buddy press elements, like friends groups activity etc. However when I am in the Questions page when I click on the avatar it goes to the AnsPress profile.
I am trying to integrate the anspress profile information (stats, reputation votes etc) into my current profile page, hence the users are not confused.
Could you help.
Thank You very much in advance
You said 2.4 version will be released before the end of this month. Just curious how things are going, since it’s 9/30 today.
best regards.
how to make a sticky question?
Can anyone help me here? How can I get the excerpt of a question to show as the meta description in the page head?
Is there a way I can set up different category in different language using WPML? My website is planing to use 3 languages, I wish different language can have their own set of category.
I want this input to be of type=”number” and with min=”0.50″ and step=”0.25″, but it doesn’t work. The field stays as an integer and can allow negative numbers. Why is this happening?
public function ask_form_amount_field($args, $editing){ if(wp_count_terms('question_amount_field') == 0) return $args; //Taxonomy stuff? global $editing_post; if($editing){ $amount_field = get_the_terms( $editing_post->ID, 'question_amount_field' ); $amount_field = $amount_field[0]->term_id; } //More things purely related to taxonomy, it seems. $args['fields'][] = array( 'name' => 'amount_field', 'label' => __('Amount field label', 'amount_field_for_anspress'), 'type' => 'number', 'value' => ( $editing ? $amount_field : sanitize_text_field(@$_POST['amount_field'] )), 'taxonomy' => 'question_amount_field', 'orderby' => ap_opt('form_amount_field_orderby'), 'desc' => __('Enter the amount you wish to tip someone for fulfilling your request.', 'amount_for_anspress'), 'order' => 7, 'min' => 0.50, 'step' => 0.25 ); return $args; }
On the base page, I see the slots for the two questions I have posted but I don’t see the questions. You can see the amount of answer and votes the questions have (which are both 0 because I just posted them and because you cannot access them). I don’t think it is a font color problem because even when trying to highlight, I cannot see the questions.
This is the site: http://www.neweradetroit.com/discussions