How do I import aggregate questions and answers from an excel file? Keith I have about 12,000 questions and answers I want to add.
I tried to add wp all import, but only the question can be added. How can I link the question to the answer?
Is there another way I can do it?

Is there a way to give some users/rôles access ONLY to some catégories ?
So that in the backoffice, we can have some users allowed to answers only to the question of a specific catagory?

Here is a screenshot:

Im am testing the plugin on my website using polylang multilanguage module, and it is creating trouble with the permalink configuration.

this is a 2 month question on wordpress support, I want to give a good review but no one answers, hopefully here you can fix it
When I click a question , it looks like a post with sidebar, and not part of the plugin, no breadcrumbs, no way to return, wish there was an option not even to go to a new page , but to drill down, or if it did go to a new page to show the breadcrumbs and navigation over the question and answer so people can get back very confusing, have over 5,000 support emails
The page I need help with:

Hello Dear AnsPress team,
Hope you are doing well. I am new in this plugin and need your help :
I found the options in setting that let, not logged in users, post their questions, answers and comments but I couldn’t find any option to let not logged in users vote on questions, answers or comments.
Could you please help me and let me know how can I do this.

Filter active users in the forum Why is the classification not updated?

First of all, thank you for your beautiful and powerful theme that has unique capabilities.

I have a list of all the forum users and it is 2500 users.
I myself have uploaded the most points, the most questions and the most answers, but my rank is not at the top.
I noticed that this section does not update and I can not see the best users.
Note the following link: All users are displayed.
This is also my link that I have had the most activity in the forum, but I have no place in the category.

Do not show the answer below the questions | Warning
Hello .
We have the largest forum with over 20,000 questions and answers.
Questions and answers are displayed correctly on the desktop.
New questions that are asked and an answer is recorded for them, the answers are not seen on the mobile phone.
I have encountered this problem on many occasions and I have seen this problem with other phones before.
A question is posed and an answer is given.
The answer has been confirmed, but there is no answer with a mobile phone.
This problem is very important.
You have been given full access. Check. I will provide you with some links. Check with your mobile phone.