Somebody asked something like this in 2015. But up till now it has not been implemented. It’s better sometimes for users to ask anonymous questions especially ones they might feel embarrassed asking publicly.

Please if you guys can look into it. Thank you for your contribution so far.

I want to ask how can I change my anspress language? I have a translation file, but I do not know how to change from EN.
Thank you very much.


I found the answer here, but if I upload the translation to FTP, the translation does not work. The WP language is CZ and the translation is called cs_CZ.po, mo

I see this functionality but it only seems to send email to the admin and not the user who asked the question.

Also, my options on the addons section save to the database but do not get reflected in the interface.


Anspress plugin has style issue on destkop mode with BuddyBoss Boss theme. Boss theme works fine without Anspress plugin, does not have stlye issues, but desktop header of Boss theme does not show fine with Anspress plugin, when is opened the Buddypanel. See attachment. How Can I resolve it?