we want to moderate any question or answer; will admins get email notification to moderate and a link to approve fast?

Also, when a question is approved, is it possible to send a notification to everyone registered (or selected roles) on the site?



Hello @Rahul,


For test purpose, I installed two version of Anspress in our of Subsite on multisite, and it is convenient for me to test by activate one of them and deactivate the other one, so that I can compare two version.


But is that right way to have test?:)





I am quite new to Anspress, and I tried some different version since I found there is some issue in several version.


For now, I want to do a fresh installation, but the Anspress_update_DB does not work for me, I just guess that I need delete all of Anspress database sheet, then do the fresh installation.


would you please let me have name list of Anspress database sheet?


I am quite new to Anspress, and I did a fresh install and tried several different version from 4.0.2 to 4.1.7 by the way of Rolling back.


But I met a issue that comment on Answer at frontend will not work as following setting screenshot:

and also there is a message show AnsPress database is not updated.

but after I push the update button, it will refresh the backend page, and the interface will show again. I am not sure what is wrong with my installation, but seems that Anspress database not work properly.

Since There is no Q&A data on my site since it is quite fresh install, so I just want to have a completely new install again,

How should I reinstall ? should I use these uninstall tool to delete all data, and delete Anspress plugin, then download Anspress plugin again to activated?


Any official instruction would be great thanks.

Hi, How can I modify the mobile landing page design. At the moment it is missing the central band on mobile which explains what the site is ( The bit the says “are you and expert” in Orange. Its in the desktop version but not mobile. I would like to add it to the mobile home page. Thanks, Peter

I see on every page of https://seomarketingdeals.com a error in the source code.

<script type=”text/javascript“>var ajaxurl = “https://seomarketingdeals.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”,ap_nonce = “11ff4d0f90”,apTemplateUrl = “https://seomarketingdeals.com/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/templates/js-template”;apQuestionID = “”;aplang = {“loading”:”Bezig met laden..”,”sending”:”Verzoek aan het versturen”,”file_size_error”:”File size is bigger than 0.48 MB”,”attached_max”:”Je hebt al het maximale aantal toegestane bijlagen toegevoegd”,”commented”:”gereageerd”,”comment”:”Reageer”,”cancel”:”Annuleren”,”update”:”Update”,”your_comment”:”Schrijf je reactie…”,”notifications”:”Notificaties”,”mark_all_seen”:”Markeer alles als gezien”,”search”:”Zoek”,”no_permission_comments”:”Sorry, je hebt geen toestemming om reacties te lezen.”};disable_q_suggestion = “1”;</script>

Any plans to implement functionality that would allow the site to auto categorize questions based upon keywords in the question?

When a new user has registered on Askbug and then goes to about, edit profile menu and clicks on one of them I get a 404 error?