Is there a way to mass import questions with a plugin?
WIll be ideal if it can create a WP user same time while importing

I will want to rank keyword question, and one of the ways to do it is with H2 and H3. Is there a way to format text in the answer box? Even if its only possible by admin

I’m not sure what’s going on but I’ve tried everything to get the user profile to work.  Here are the steps I took:

  1. I created a page with the title “User” and slug “user”
  2. I added the shortcode [anspress page=”user”]
  3. I set it as the Profile page in the Anspress settings
  4. I re-saved permalinks
  5. I made sure the “Profile” extension is enabled
  6. I tried using just the [anspress] shortcode

But all I see when I go to a user profile is the user’s name and it’s as if it’s a categories archive page.  There are no questions there.  What is happening?

Hi!  By default when you go into a specific question, the answers and comments are sorted by “Active.”  Is there a way to make it sort by “Newest” by default instead?

Sorry again but the sender of emails is “WordPress”.
I didn’t find where to change it please.
Thank you.

I’m sorry but I didn’t find where to auto approve new questions please ?
I want my website to be on autopilot please.
Thank you.

Hello, my website is but there’s a lot of accounts registering that are bots, how do I stop that and keep registration open?

first, very good work ! Your plugin is amazing ! Better than BBpress 😉
I did a french website about ChatGPT, but some sentences are still in english, I use Loco Translate on both Theme and your plugin, but for sure it has to be in the database I suppose, so how to modify them please ?
You can check at
Thank you!

how can i change the color of the ask a question button. Also some text is in the standard green color. How can i change this also?

Is there a Pro version of Anspress?