Please, add the sort by views to your next upgrade! (and show number of views in question list) Thanks!
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5 Reputation
This is missing main feature! I don´t know why developers of AnsPress don´t add it 🙁 🙁 🙁
View QuestionYou should add a post to inform users what is under development (to avoid users asking the same questions about features request...) Any estimated date for AnsPress 3.0 launch? Thanks! 😉
View QuestionSorry Rahul, can you explain better how can I do it? How can I set permission for a category to let admin and mods be the only ones who can post in that category? How can I set permissions for a category...
View QuestionHello Rahul, I think that upload file feature is a must!... Users always have to upload something (files, documents, pdfs, spreadsheets,...) Don´t you think upload feature is #1 priority? Any plans...
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