peterrogov (Buyer)
0 Reputation


Commented on a post

You can look at this as an example: The inner content of the page which tells about the error is stored in 'not-found.php' from anspress and is shown when...

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
HTTP 404 On AnsPress not found pages

When question is not accessible or not found AnsPress generates 404 status and shows a 404-like page to the user. But actually, the header which is returned to the client is an HTTP 200 OK, because anspress...

July 22, 20172
Received an upvote
July 22, 201710
Received an upvote
July 22, 201710
Commented on a post

Thank you, Rahul, but this doesn't work exactly as I need. With code users page gets a URL like but I want to remove /questions/ part form the URL. for other pages I would...

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
Custom user URL

By default anspress with askbug offers a user profile URL like this: I want it to be like How do achieve this?

July 22, 20172
Posted an answer
Add question programmaticaly

Just discovered this: It gives pretty good answer to my questions, thanks to the author. However, it would...

July 22, 20175
Asked a question
How to change main.min.js?

I want to change some JS for AnsPress, how do I edit main.min.js? What is it compiled from? Are there original scripts (not minified) which I can edit?

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
javascript error on disabled voting for question

Hi! I have discovered a problem when you disable voting for questions there is a run-time error in AnsPress main.min.js. There is a part of code which gives an error: render: function(){ var b=this.$el.find("[ap-vote]").attr("ap-vote");...

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
Add question programmaticaly

I wish to import some custom set of questions/answers to my AnsPress website. I have a script which can parse my source of data. How do I create new questions programmatically from this script?

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
Custom actions before and after adding a question

I need to implement custom actions before and after adding a questions by user. 1. Before posting a question I need my user to enter some data on my custom page. After he does this I need to redirect...

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Huh, used wordpress for more than 5 years and never noticed smth. like this. Will check, i don't like this kind of behavior.

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
Strange URL routing for AnsPress (with AskBug)

I’ve noticed a little bit strange way of WordPress with AnsPress to handle some urls. For example? if I put a URL like this: http://<site-domain>/<whatever-you-want>/d it will redirect me...

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
Multiple best answers

I need my questions to have more than one best answer. How do I customize AnsPress to support this kind of functionality?

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

One more thing to add: I need a questions to be a able to have more than one best answer. Is this possible to customize without very serious alterations of the core code? Where do I start from?

July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Hi Rahul, thanks for the answer! I do understand the part about templates, but what about core functionality? For example, I want to rework a bit an access control system and make it more comprehensive....

July 22, 20172
July 22, 20170
Asked a question
How to customize AnsPress?

What is the proper way to customize AnsPress? I wish to add/alter some functionality for the needs of my project meanwhile keeping the possibility to update the plugin in the future. What is the proper...

July 22, 20172