89 Reputation


Asked a question
Images not uploading anymore

This used to work fine but recently users can't upload images to their questions. The form says the image was successfully uploaded but it does not appear on the page or question editor, and it is not...

March 20, 20232
Asked a question
AnsPress database is not updated? Version 4.1.15

After updating the anspress plugin a 2 weeks ago to Version 4.1.15, I am getting the notice "AnsPress database is not updated" in my WP dashboard. When I clicked on that link to "update" it wiped everything...

October 19, 20182
Posted an answer
Filter not working

The filter by categories does not work Version 4.1.14 in the Questions page. Is there a fix for this? The sortby filter never worked either, but everybody knows that. Will this ever be resolved?

September 8, 20185
Asked a question
Filter not working

The question header filters are not working in Version 4.1.14, for example it is not displaying the categories to search by, and the order_by pages all display all questions, unsorted. Ho do I get the...

September 7, 20182
Asked a question
AskBug widgets

Are the AskBug theme widgets  useable with other themes, or will we have to use the AskBug theme to display the widgets, ie; top users? Thanks.

September 6, 20182
Asked a question
AskBug theme question

I am using anspress  on a different theme (Kleo), but can not get any shortcodes I need to work: user page, latest/unanswered questions, and more. If I purchase and install the AskBug theme, will other...

September 4, 20182
Commented on a post

It has been over a year since this question, and the shortcode to display the user page still does not work. Is there a fix for this yet, or for any shortcode to work yet? The sortby="unanswered" shortcodes...

September 4, 20182
Asked a question
Categories no longer work in new version 4.1.10

I upgraded to Version 4.1.10 but now my categories page does not work, it only displays all individual questions. Categories is enabled in the addons page, however the disable/enable buttons no longer...

May 16, 20182
Commented on a post

[anspress page=”user”] does not work with the older or the new version of anspress, I only see the anonymous profile. Any fix available yet?

May 16, 20182
Posted an answer
Shortcode for user profile

I am also getting an anonymous box for the shortcode [anspress page="user"] There is no documentation on shortcodes here anymore other than the page at https://anspress.io/resources/faq/which-shortcodes-are-available-in-anspress/...

May 15, 20185
Commented on a post

Thanks Rahul. This appears to be working now with the X theme.

March 8, 20182
Commented on a post

I want to add a latest questions page, but using the plugin [anspress sortby=”newest”] does not work for me, it still shows all questions. Is the the correct way to do this? Also, where can I find...

March 8, 20182
Posted an answer
How to make top users in widget?

Is there a top users widget available that is not part of the ansbug theme? I'd like to be able to display top users and other information but I need to keep my current theme.

February 18, 20185
Commented on a post

I do not have this line in category.php: $category_id = sanitize_text_field( get_query_var( 'q_cat' ) ); Is there any fix yet so the category page links do not go to blank pages?

February 12, 20182
Posted an answer
Links on category page are not working – new install

Rahul, have you had the chance to evaluate the categories problem with the X theme yet? The category links are blank.

February 12, 20185
Commented on a post

Thank you itomhq, please let us know if this is possible

February 8, 20182
Asked a question
AnsPress pages do not set automatically, new install

Attempting a new install on the WP ''Kleo'' theme, none of the pages are created when clicking "One or more AnsPress page(s) does not exists. Set automatically or create yourself? Either option just refreshes...

February 8, 20182
Answer was selected as best
February 8, 201810
Received an upvote
Preventing users from answering their own questions

I think I found the answer   OP: Original poster/asker. Enabling this option will prevent users to post an answer on their question.   in user access controls

February 8, 201810
Commented on a post

Yes I've done that. I am using the wordpress = XTheme from Apex, and that appears to be the problem as I just tested it with the default twentyseventeen theme and the pages appear. Is there a fix for...

February 8, 20182
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