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July 22, 20172
Commented on a post

Hi Rahul, thanks for this anwser. Actually, I can see the upload buttons if I want to update my own avatar or cover, but if I visit another user's profile (and I'm connected as an admin, of course), the...

July 22, 20172
Received an upvote
As an administrator, how can I edit the avatar of another user ?

When I am logged as an admin and I visit a user profile, I would expect to find the cover and avatar as editable fields (so I can moderate them if needed). Is there a menu/place where it is possible to...

July 22, 201710
Asked a question
What is the best way to submit code changes ?

I don't know if (and how) it is possible to submit changes to anspress. Is it possible (and recommended) to do that via the github repo ? Do we need to have special rights for that ? Here's the changes...

July 22, 20172
Posted an answer
July 22, 20175
Received an upvote
v3.0.3 broke Divi Builder text editing

Hi Rahul (and Smith), I confirm the issue with Anspress and the Divi Builder. It seems that this is broken by the add_action hook 'tiny_mce_before_init' in includes/mention.php. Here's what I get in...

July 22, 201710
Commented on a post

It works ! Thanks for the fast fix, Rahul.

July 22, 20172
Asked a question
How to relate a question to a content page ?

Hi, On my website, I need to have an (optional) relationship between some of my pages and some questions (it's a 1-n relation, so my users can potentially ask a few questions related to a given post)....

July 22, 20172
July 22, 20170
Asked a question
Comment count is wrong on user page

Hi, I just installed AnsPress and I found out that the number of comments in the user profile is wrong. This is actualy due to a mistake in theme/default/user/user.php on line 64). Current code is : printf(__('%d...

July 22, 20172
Posted an answer
Comment count is wrong on user page

Great ! I was not aware of the github repo. I'll take a look at it. Regards,

July 22, 20175