Zhaohong Wan
67 Reputation


Received an upvote
February 1, 202410
Received an upvote
February 1, 202410
Asked a question
How can we make the insert image button can also upload .pdf and .doc?

Hi, I knew we can add an upload button by customizing the ask question form. But my question is how can I make the default insert image button can also insert PDF and Word files? Can someone help me with...

March 22, 20212
Answer was selected as best
March 21, 202110
Posted an answer
The inserted image doesn’t show up with the question or answer as it suppose to be.

Never mind, I found out it was caused by the quick tag editor. After unable it in the option, the image works fine.

March 21, 20215
Asked a question
The inserted image doesn't show up with the question or answer as it suppose to be.

Hi, I tried to insert an image when asking a question and find out there is no image included in my description field. Then after I submit the question, the image also doesn't show up with the question....

March 21, 20212
Asked a question
How can we add a redirection after select the best answer?

Hi, my question is, how can we add a redirection after the user select the best answer? I found an action hooks "ap_select_answer," which will trigger after selecting the best answer, but it will take...

March 12, 20212
Asked a question
How to make my search result same as the demo?

Hi, I was using the search button and it always redirected me to the “Archives: Questions” page no matter what I entered. I wonder if there is anything wrong or that's how it suppose to work? And how...

March 5, 20212
Commented on a post

Hi, I just noticed the search form is based on the widget: (Anspress) Search, but it doesn't work as the demo you present on the website.

March 2, 20212
Asked a question
How does the search button works?

Hi, I was testing the search button and find out it will always redirect me to the "Archives: Questions" page no matter what I entered. So I would like to know how can I make the search button works like:...

March 2, 20212
Commented on a post

Sorry if my question made you confused. What I want is to set every question to private automatically when I create the questions. I don't know how should I do this in the ask form, can anyone help me...

February 13, 20212
Asked a question
How to display the custom content that I saved in ask form?

Hello, I created a new field in the existing Ask form to input some contents, but I don't know how can I display those contents on the question page. Can you please help me with this? 

February 13, 20212
Asked a question
Ask form page's format

Hello, I wonder if we can change how the ask form looks like? I tried the elementor but it seems not working. Can you please let me know if this is possible? Thank you.

February 13, 20212
Asked a question
How to set the questions page only show my question?

Hi, I wonder how to make the questions page only display the questions that create by myself or the current user?

February 12, 20212
Asked a question
How to customize the ask question page?

Hello, I'd like to know how can we customize the "Ask question" page and the question section? Like the screenshot I showed you, I want to add a new text area in the "Ask question" page so I can input...

February 12, 20212
February 12, 202110