There is a problem that when a user didn’t fill out all fields correctly, the user will get error message. After correcting all mistakes the user clicks again “Ask Question” button and get error that capcha is incorrect, that heppens because the captcha didn’t generate new image, but the old one cannot be used to pass verification. The user needs to click “generate new text”, it will be difficult to post questions for reqular peoples who are not familiar with ReCaptcha.

I found a bug. When I insert external image by the link, after publishing question I can see nothing. Editor just removes image tag like it has never been existed.

Here are two things which don’t look good.
1. Comma between tags is needed (marked with red circle).
Link to screenshot

2. Block with captcha has transparent background, it’s supposed to have while. The line it doesn’t look good, I marked it with red circle.
Link to screenshot

What do you think?

if user reaches say 1000 point
and i want to reward him with some thing
can i reduce the point to 0 point
or s there some shop code that i can use the point as currency
or is there any way to make the points like virtual currency

Does it support Persian language? and is there any way to use tinyMCE bottons instead of those html functions?

It would be good idea to have a field where you can set required points for a user to hide this verification. The similar thing is with “question moderation” you can set there required points, if the user has a needed amount of points then this question won’t be moderated and will be published immediately.

I configured the plug-in in the way that one user can answer once per question, but after posting answer I can still see the box which provides me to type the answer! If I do it again, I will see the error “Your answer must have 5 letters or more.”, but my second answer contains more than 5 letters, so the best solution to hide the box if one answer is allowed per question.

Can you show an example for “page-YOUR_BASE_PAGE_ID.php” template to remove double headings? For example to make it work like on the current website (

It’s very difficult to view your personal page, because, it can’t be found quickly. Now, I cannot get to my profile page to change photo or change my personal information. In the top of the page I can see the link to edit users data, but not ones which are shown in AnsPress.

If there is an opportunity to turn off or hide this chechbox when a user posts new questions?