In my theme post question button is not visible. How to create a new button for that .

I have no clue what the issue is, i think i have the latest everything

and how do you make a “users” page, i prefer that over the members page its better in some respects

If a user has selected an answer as the best, I’m wondering whether it would be good to close the question so no one else can answer?

Does anyone else think it might be worth adding a profile notification when someone up-votes (or down-votes) your question or answer?

The way Anspress is currently set up, WordPress think every user-facing page (questions, categories, tags etc) is just one base page in the admin. This is causing some issues with a couple of plugins I’m using eg. Easy Social Share Buttons – I can’t hide the social buttons.

It also means that the <title> for any individual question, category or tag is always the base page <title> and there is a canonical back to that page also. This is not good for the SEO of each question page either.

Big ask to fix this I know 🙁