When I attempt to tag questions from the WordPress/Anspress dashboard, the tag will not save. It will only save when I access the main question page and enter the tag in the appropriate field.
This should be addressed.
Thank you!

Good day,
Your help, please. Each time I click on the Add an answer hyperlink in the WordPress backend, a notice is immediately sent out to all subscribers that a new answer has been posted. I am never actually given the opportunity to answer the question.
When I try to answer the question on the front end, on the web page after logging-in, the answer box opens and does not allow any input of text.
Can you recommend a fix or workaround? What additional information do you need so you may understand the problem better?
Thank you in advance for your direction,

I’m trying to make changes to a template file (answer.php to be precis).
It’s working when I put a anpress folder in my parent theme, but when i do the same in my child theme, nothing happend.
Did i miss something ? Do you have any suggestion for me ?
Thanks a lot !

anspress is a great plugin. My website wouldn’t work without this plugin.
I needed to anspresss Japanese. The translation rate is almost 100%.
Use if necessary. You can download it from here.
Looking forward to the next version.
Thank you

please see the attached images, it says the image has uploaded but it does not add it to the post

I’m in the process of customizing the css of my Anspress pages, so far I’ve been able to make the changes I need except for one.
I can’t seem to be able to change the text color of the text in the answers editor window (where you can answer someone’s question).  I’ve tried every possible css combination and nothing has worked.  I need to change the text color from black to white or something lighter.
Here is the page

There’s also another issue.  In order to activate this window, you have to click, an them so Ajax thing happens (I guess) and only then can you start typing.  Meaning you have to click twice to start typing an answer.  How do we solve this?

I have installed AnsPress on my wordpress site but the layout or the interface is broken. How I can repair it?

I want the Author role to moderate questions, answers and comments.
I provided Moderator Capabilities to the Author role (AnsPress > Options > User Access Control > Role Editor > Select user role = Author then checked the Moderator Capabilities checkbox (which checked all the checkboxes within).
When in Admin while logged in as an Author, I do not see the AnsPress menu in left sidebar so I can’t moderate.
According to the answer’s 2nd comment https://anspress.io/questions/question/allow-wp-author-to-moderate-questions/ a moderator can edit (which I am assuming includes moderate) a post in frontend directly but I don’t see how to do this.  I also tried to edit a post on the frontend while logged in as Admin but didn’t see how to do it either.
How can I allow Authors to moderate questions, answers and comments?