How can I filter the text content of questions or answers ?


Is there any ability to check for something like: if_is_single_question_view

Which will return a true, if the viewed page is a question page.

Thank you 🙂

Restricting who can answer questions submitted

I have installed anspress 2.3-beta2 on an empty wp. Created two pages with the anspress shortcode, one with slug “question”, and one with “home”, i have set home as the wp front page, and question as anspress base.

Now both and show the list of questions, and show the question, that works fine. But the ask link (, shows a 404 error. If i change the base page slug to “questions” then does open.

But i’d really prefer to have the ask page either on or

How could i achieve this?

I tried modifying the includes/rewrite.php file and removing $slug . from line 119 so it would look like:

$new_rules[ "ask/([^/]+)/?"] = "index.php?page_id=".$base_page_id."&ap_page=ask&parent=".$wp_rewrite->preg_index(1);

But the ask link still shows as question(s)/ask, and /ask only shows a 404, I tried saving both anspress options and wp permalinks to rebuild the rewrites but didn’t work.

I see Error 404 when showing someone’s profile and also my profile. I tested it in 2 website bu the same problem.


When hover username in hovercard its link don’t show user’s page link. It shows “#” at the end of the website url.

In the Answerbox theme page, the download link redirects to Where is the Answerbox theme file?

How can I submit translation? I’ve done translation for my own site and I wanted to share with You. Isn’t perfect, but is whole.
