
Great work, thanks.

After testing, I found Anspress is working fine in single wordpress, but does not work well in WordPress MU site, and the following is issue I encountered.

1. it can post, but does not auto-refresh after post, just stay still with the content in editor, and the user will be confused and do not know whether it has posted indeed.

2.I noted that you have fix the GMT time issue in later version, but this problem is still there in WordPress Mu.

3.  AnsPress capabilities in  OPTION> tool will auto setting the user role with administrator, and it can not update new setting, and always restore the administrator roles.

After check you documents, and I did not find any instruction for MU, and I guess you might like to know these issue, thanks, and have a nice day.



I have noticed that this has been so for quite a while now.

So, why Array?

And why Array x 2?

Moderated question doesn’t displayed (for unregistred user), when author of question is registred user. If author is anonymous user, moderated question displayed.

I need, that moderated question no displayed.

Can you help me?

If anyone is willing to translate AnsPress can write their WP.org username here with language code.

Also you can visit here:



current editors:
#es_Es – @jsousa
#nl – @nbijl
#ru – @linuxmaster

I noticed there’s no space between Name of sub-category and the Number of questions…

Where can I fix this?

Also, I’d like to show only the Sub-Categories list, not main categories, and I’d like to do adding some php script in a specific point of my page. I like the way they are currently display in single Category page.

Can you show the syntax please?

Thank you

How does buddypress work

Greetings, It appears that the Follow & Subscribe features are linked to each other, or are possibly the same feature. But I noticed the following issues with the Follow/Subscribe feature:

  • Can’t follow a question – error message “something went wrong, last action failed”
  • After I’ve already followed someone, it says “No followers found” for that user
  • The Subscribe Widget doesn’t subscribe the user to the question (Must be linked to the Follow issue)

Any ideas on how to get the Follow/Subscribe feature working?