I can’t use backend for posting answer it’s pretty difficult to do from frontend editor, I had to update the post-content in database directly

Is it possible to disable the reputation feature?

Can you please advise how to add custom fields (e.g. Address look-up) to the question page?

the voting AJAX request is not updating on the ui while it is updating on the browser network and the console. Pls how can i fix it

function upVote( id) {
  type: "POST",
//   url: "/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/templates/votesystem/scripts.php",
url: "/scripts.php",
  data: {
                // action: 'my_custom_action',
                up: id,
                user: <?php echo $userid; ?>,
                question_id:<?php echo $question_id;?>
  beforeSend: function(){
    $('#links-'+id+' .btn-vote').html("<img src='loaderIcon.gif' height='16px'>");
  success: function(data){ 
    // $('#data').html(data);
    // alert(data.message);
    // Reload the page after the OK alert
      // location.reload();
      // return false; //This is commented for reload (PPE)
  error: function(error) {
                // Handle errors
                // showSnackbar(error.message);

Whenever I publish the answer in the main dashboard I see this error : “Please fill parent question field, Answer was not saved!
how to fix this?  https://ibb.co/WtfFpY5

Whenever I publish the answer in the main dashboard I see this error : “Please fill parent question field, Answer was not saved!
how to fix this?  https://ibb.co/WtfFpY5
Thank you

On the voter system, the selected button up down usually reloads to count. How can that be stopped?
<form method=”post” id=”voteform” action=””>
<button type=”button” class=”btn btn-light” name=”up” title=”Vote Up ” style=”padding: .5vh 1vh; margin-top:3px;” onclick= <?php if ( is_user_logged_in()) { ?>
“upVote(<?php echo $answeridx; ?>)”<?php } else {?>
“window.location.href = ‘/wp-login.php’;” <?php } ?>
value =”<?php echo $answeridx; ?>”><i class=”fa-solid fa-thumbs-up”></i><div id=”up_count<?php echo $answeridx; ?>” class=”label-vote”><?php echo $var=0+$thumbsup; ?></div></button>
<div class=”label-vote”><?php //echo $thumbsup; ?></div>
<button type=”button” class=”btn btn-light” name=”down” title=”Vote down” class=”btn btn-light” style=”padding: .5vh 1vh; margin-top:3px;” onclick=<?php if ( is_user_logged_in()) { ?>
“downVote(<?php echo $answeridx; ?>)”<?php } else {?>
“window.location.href = ‘/wp-login.php’;” <?php } ?> value =”<?php echo $answeridx; ?>” >
<i class=”fa-solid fa-thumbs-down”></i><div id=”down_count<?php echo $answeridx; ?>” class=”label-vote”><?php echo $var=0+$thumbsdown; ?></div></button>


Whenever I publish the answer in the main dashboard I see this error : “Please fill parent question field, Answer was not saved!

Can you please suggest how to fix this?

Thank you

I’d love to use AnsPress on some of my websites but am curious about the user-information that is stored by the plugin.
As the operator of a website, I must inform my users about this. I could’t find any information about this so far.
Kind regards

I am trying to setup registrations and logins in ultimate member because of certain features that i need, but anspress keeps redirecting to wp-login when a user clicks “login” button on any of the anspress login pages.
How can i achieve this?