Does the plugin have expert answers features?

I’m using your new version of Anspress – 4.1.8
I have this issue.

Why this happened?

Check please!

My user name is korean!
And it seems that there is no way to change my user name on this site.
So I try to register again after deregister.
Would you please let me know how to do deregister on this site?

hi, first of all thanks about the great plugin…..
in the new version 4.1.8 there is button to “insert image”.
i want to know if is possible only to select image (choose a file) and then upload it and NOT to upload and insert image (into a text box).
When the answer appears i want the image and the text as separate items.
for example i want to appears first the image and next the text of the answer or first the text and next the image of the answer.

thanks for the support

I insert this string

but, this string saved into data base

Is this a problem? or, what can I do for saving the first string as it is in DB?

Check please!

When I ask a question, the question is added WP_Query always.
I found that Anspress save session value in DB like this.
_transient_anspress_session_7fbd42fedffbc2060fbc73515890cf59 : a:2:{s:13:”form_question”;N;s:9:”questions”;a:1:{i:0;i:1402;}}
How can I turn off this feature?

—— edit

I found that

if ( false === $manual ) {
      anspress()->session->set_question( $post_id );
       ap_ajax_json( array(
        'success' => true,
        'snackbar' => [
          'message' => $message,
        'redirect' => get_permalink( $post_id ),
        'post_id' => $post_id,
      ) );
     return $post_id;

this code in class-form-hooks.php/submit_question_form()

But, I want to delete the post_id in session(Data Base)!
Would you please make a hook for this?

Check please!

I updated anspress to the latest version. After many hours of finding the issue why buddypress activity isnt loading, I found out ts anspress database problem. When I click on “AnsPress database is not updated” Update Now, it updates it and the problem starts. Then dynamic content such as animated pages (only one page doesnt load, others are okay) and buddypress activity doesnt load. I had to make a restore to find out the problem. Please provide a solution.

I’m testing this great plugin of yours and I noticed that when paired with WooCommerce the profile pages of users of type “Customer” redirects to the Shop page while for Users with the “Subscriber” Role everything works fine.
Is there a specific setting for this to work ?
Best regards,